Colour Study

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Websites review


This website that I pick is simple and beautifully arrange . It makes people easy to browser on the computer and in their phone. The websites is Everlane . It is a shopping websites that sales clothing for men and women . 

They arranged their product perfect and beautifully. The background choices is top of the class and not to distracting with bright colours or images .People can easily see their product because of the large icon they make . 

This will come up if u click the product . You can change the image of the product on the spot with out have to load . It also show a big picture so that people can see the product better . On the right side of the image have the details of prices and colour when u decide to buy it . 

The Typography also nice . Its is not messy , only a simple design and blank colour . Very suitable with the background (which is white ) . Although it is a bit small to read but it will not give much problem to people that browse this websites . 

Wednesday 4 May 2016